I have fallen in love with hiking in the desert!
On New Years Day we went hiking by Lake Pleasant, about a half hour from Phoenix. I loved this picture of the Cholla cactus! The sun was hitting them just right to make it look like they were glowing halos around them. But watch out, these cactus are not angels. Of all the cacti this is the species you really have to watch out for. Their arms easily break off and their needles go right through shoes and cling to skin like velcro! You have to use a rock or something to get it off cause otherwise it just sticks to you, no matter how you grab it and it hurts!
I think the ribs of the dead saguaro are very unique!
The puppies always have to be in front :)
Alot of people were on boats out on the lake. I thought the sail boats looked like fun.
A view of the lake. I liked the shadow on the saguaro
Gretta got a Cholla on her paw and was limping. I carried her the rest the time.

These last three photos were taken just before christmas. This area is called Dreamy Draw and is right in the heart of Phoenix. I can reach three trail heads in 5 minutes from my house. I have gotten in the habit of going hiking after classes when ever I get out of class early so I actually do most my hiking in this area. I absolutely love it!

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