This is the main medical building at Nova Southeastern University where I interviewed last Thursday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Overall i was impressed with the school. The facilities were very nice, labs modern, individual patient rooms, huge library, huge exercise facility, and a huge OUTDOOR swimming pool... and everyone was very friendly. I got the impression that they have a strong commitment to the students which impressed me. From what I saw of the school I would love to go there. My interview though just went okay. There was an older gentleman and a middle aged women who interviewed me at the same time. It was hard for me to understand the man who was from Asia and he asked specific questions that where to me, subjective, such as "who is the leader of the Foundation?" Well turns out the Foundation is an LDS humanitarian organization and in his opinion I should have known that since I went to BYU. Both interviewers thought I was still at BYU which made me frustrated and gave me the impression they only glanced over my application rather than really read it. That was the most negative aspect of the day. The Dean was awesome though, and had done incredible things in his career and is a powerful force for the school. I should know in another week whether or not I am accepted.

Pier at Dania Beach

Ocean Side Dr in Fort Lauderdale

A little bay opening along the inter coastal water way in Hollywood just south of Fort Lauderdale

The same Bay

Ocean Side Dr. and my toes

A home I liked with a their boat parked out back.
Much of Fort Lauderdale is interlaced with these salt water canals causing most of the homes to have a water front in there back yards with access to the ocean. It was absolutely beautiful! Fort Lauderdale is nicknamed the Venice of America for this reason.

Just another canal

And a large bay connecting many of these canals in Fort Lauderdale with freaking amazing homes surrounding it!

Standing on a bridge over a canal looking toward downtown. I really thought these waterways were beautiful!

A street view of the homes, the canals are on either side in their back yard.

Sadly I did have to spend some time in the Hotel doing homework :(

This sign was at Dania Beach... was this meant to be a funny joke or is this for real lol, I cracked up for at least an hour!

The first Jelly Fish I have ever seen!!! There were quite a few stranded on the beach. They felt just like plastic. They were pretty though.

Standing on the inter coastal water way searching for alligators. I really wanted to see one but never did :(

Doing what I love best. Just laying on the beach!

Pine trees from Australia that are taking over Florida and killing off endemic species. Kinda cool looking though

Coconut trees and the beach, life couldn't get much better.
I sure wish I was on the beach in the last picture. Looks a lot more fun than the 19 degrees we have right now. Hope you get accepted.
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool Tyson. I hope you get in though we will all really miss you. I love Florida. It is sooo beautiful!