Just a few pictures from my White Coat Ceremony
The auditorium full of family, friends, and 800 students waiting to get their white coats. They did the medical, podiatry, optometry, dental, physician's assistants, and psychology students all in the same ceremony.
On the stage to the right
After receiving my coat from my dean, Dean Kemper on the left, and Dr. Schalscha, my internal clinical medicine professor.
The auditorium was much brighter after everyone had on their coat ha. They amazingly got through everyone in about a 45 minutes with each class having their own "coaters." This auditorium divides into 5 smaller auditoriums, in one of those 5 (auditorium 2) I have class every single day.
With two of my friends, Carly Sorenson on the left and Shannon MacRitchie in the middle. Carly is one of my cadaver lab partners and is from Salt Lake so we love to reminisce :) Shannon and I have been pretty much inseparable since the beginning of classes and we both get asked where the other is if we are ever alone. She lives on campus and is kind enough to feed me at lunch (yes I buy her food so I'm not a complete mooch).
More of my friends, Dan Brereton, Travis Boud, Sreyah Indupalli, Roger Stimpson, and Shannon, in front of Saguaro Hall where the library and cadaver labs are. Dan is in my biochem workshop group which can get long so we keep each other entertained.

And one more friend, Lisa Speiser, also in my cadaver group. I really lucked out on my group, they are fun and smart, so we learn alot and have alot of fun! I love Anatomy! Lisa is from Phoenix so it has been nice to get tips on things to see and places to go and it has really helped me feel more comfortable and at home in this metropolis. Where would we be without our friends?!
congrats on getting the white coat! That's a cool looking ceremony. Sounds like you're havin' fun. :)