Today was a gorgeous day! 50 degrees and sunny and spring fever hit me hard! Whenever I turn on my computer the first thing to pop up is my icon giving me the weather for Idaho Falls and Salt Lake City. When I got home from school today and turned on my laptop, I stared at the 17 degrees in Idaho Falls compared to the 50 degrees here, and I wondered how a plant lover like myself ever survived spending 19 years of my life in that frigid place. Feeling grateful that I was not in Idaho Falls at that moment, I was inspired to go out and take pictures of the beautiful day and the signs of spring that were making me so happy! All the below pictures were taken today on my phone.

This is my first experiment with planting pansies in the fall rather than the spring. I have been so happy with the results! Everytime the snow melts off them they are there to greet me with their blooms. They still look healthy and I'm expecting they will look even better as the weather truely warms.

Yes!! The daffodils are on their way up! Another 6 weeks and they will be blooming for sure :)

Even the rose bushes are full of buds that are waiting to burst out into growth.

The lotus plants in my pond are sending out a frenzy of leaves ready to shoot up to the surface when the water temperature rises! I put them in the pond this fall when I dug the pond out and I am excited to see them bloom this spring.

Along with over wintering pansies, another one of my experiments was overwintering gold fish. There are 11 of them and they look healthy and were out swiming today for the first time all winter! It was hard to get a picture of them, but you can see them along with my shadow :)

And this is posted just because I liked how the reflection of the plum tree looked on the pond :)
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