Last Wednesday our house got broken into. In the middle of the day when no one was home and nearly all our neighbors were also gone, they broke our kitchen window to get in. The roar of the AC unit I'm sure cut out most of the sound of the glass breaking but still seems like a risky business to me. What was surprising is that all they took was my laptop and my graphing calculator. They opened every drawer and left camera, router, apple tv, and didn't vandalize or break anything other than the window. Although I was very upset about my 3 month old laptop with all my pictures and files being stolen, I kept reminding myself it could have been alot worse.

Luckily the house came with rouladens installed, which remind me of Germany and I was excited about them when we first moved in (honestly I don't understand why americans don't have them, but I have seen a couple businesses here with them installed.) It was a two second fix to seal off the window to keep cold air in and prevent a second break-in as we wait for the landlord to fix the window. We put them down every night already but kept them open in the day to allow sunlight in for the house plants. I think we'll have to keep them down when we are gone though and invest in fake plants :(. I broke down and bought a new laptop on Monday. Although painful to buy a new one as I thought of all the other ways I could have spent the money if some person hadn't taken my laptop from me, apple was running a student deal and I got a free ipod touch with the purchase which helped ease the pain a little... but just a little ha.