Monday, April 13, 2009

Finally!!! After 4 years of hard work in undergrade, a summer of studying for the mcat, six months of essay after essay after essay, and flying across the country for interviews, I finally got an acceptance to medical school!! The school is Midwestern University in Glendale Arizona. It is only about 10 years old so the facilities are very nice. The parent University is in Chicago and was established in 1900 so the institution and programs are tried and tested so it won't have the kinks alot of the new schools can have. The interviewers, staff, and students were very nice, campus was beautiful, and it was nice to see people playing sand volleyball on campus... maybe I will have a life in med school haha. Only downer is they seem technophobic. No wireless internet, pretty sure that is a crime in 2009. I have not heard back from Western University in LA yet but should this week. I am wait listed in Florida, which is rough because that is my number one choice from the schools I interviewed at. That means I can be accepted there up until school starts and any money I pay to another school to hold my spot is lost. Man, what a money game! But I'm excited to know that I will be starting medical school in August. It is a fact. Yay! Feels good to know I don't have to apply again and that all my efforts were not futile!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I love Spring!

Yes, because I am Tyson you have to deal with looking at more posts that involve plants and the garden I spend way too much of my time tending to.
These hyacinth smell absolutely heavenly! They are next to the front door and their aroma greets my nose every time I go outside.

Since I got back from florida, it has been nothing but snow storm after snow storm and it was rather depressing. Finally, it feels as though spring has sprung! A little fertilizer and the grass is greening up nicely! These two pictures of the house I live in were taken only 2 weeks apart, after above, before below. Amazing what two weeks can do in the spring!

I really hate it when the snow crushes the daffodils!!